American Journal of Science and Technology , Vol.3, No.1, Page: 43-46

On Galois Groups

Faisal Hussain Nesayef

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Kirkuk, Kirkuk, Iraq

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Faisal Hussain Nesayef. On Galois Groups. American Journal of Science and Technology. Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016, pp. 43-46.


Galois Theory is one of the interesting subjects in Mathematics. It constitutes a link between Polynomials, Fields and Groups. This paper considers manipulation of polynomials, studies and investigates some applications of groups and Fields and their extensions. Polynomials are regarded as an essential tools in the construction of rings and fields. Consequently the ring theory plays the basic role in the study of Galois groups, particular attention has been given to the algebraic polynomials, in terms of their reducible or irreducible properties. This has led to the study of Fields, Extension Fields and the Galois groups. The subject was extensively studied by the great mathematician Galois first. Subsequently many other mathematicians contributed in this field, appreciating Galois' great achievement in this area of mathematics.


Basis, Extension Fields, Galois Group, Irreducible Polynomials, Minimal Polynomial, Monic Polynomial, Splitting Fields, Transcendental

1. Introduction

In this paper some properties have been studied in order to find out about the basic relationships between the fields, rings and polynomials. Some results have been stated and used from [1], [2], [3] and [4]. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the Automorphisms of the field extensions.

In section one, the basic principles and properties have been covered in order to make the consequent progress as smooth as possible.

Section two deals with the basic properties of the polynomial rings, the nature and the structure of the extension fields.

Section three tackles some important results discovered by many other researchers.

Section four deals with some applications of the Galois Groups, their nature, and their structural properties and characteristics.

The conclusion of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the roots of unity and the Galois Groups Gal (). Also to prove that for  and , the Galois group will not be necessary abelian.

2. Basics

In this section we cover the basic terminologies required as a background knowledge in the latter sections. These are mainly given in other reference, such as [1], [2], etc.

Definition 1.1: Let F be a field. Then F[x] denotes the ring of polynomials with coefficients in F. i.e.  Where , where .

Let f and g be polynomials in F[x], with . Then there exist polynomials  such that where either r = 0 or

Definition 1.2: Let f, g, h be polynomials in F(x). Then g divides f, ie (g | f) if there exists  such that f = q g.

The polynomial f is reducible if it is non-constant and whenever we have factorization


f = g h, either g or h is a unit. In this case

Proposition 1.3: Suppose  where  are co-prime is a root of  Then  and


Since r divides each term in this expression, then .

Also r and s are co-prime, therefore . Also  and since r and s are co-primes, then s divides.

Example 1: let  

Then the only possible roots are

Therefore f is irreducible.

Definition 1.3: A field is a set F with two binary operations "+" and "." such that

(a)   is a commutative group

(b)  ( is a commutative group, where

(c)  The distribution law holds.

An example of a field is Q[√2]. The set of all numbers which can be written a+b√2 for a and b rational numbers.

Definition (Algebraic Number): f α is a real number with the property that p(α)=0 for some polynomial p(x), then we say that α is an algebraic number.

If α is an algebraic number then Q[α] is a field. Q[α] consists the set of elements of the form a0+a1α+…+an−1αn−1 where each ai is a rational number and n is the smallest integer such that there is a polynomial p(x) of degree n with p(α)=0. Q[α] is the smallest field extension of Q containing α. Q[2√3]={a+b2√3+c2√3.2:a,b,c Q} is another example of a field. This idea can be extended to define, for α, β both algebraic, Q[α,β] to be the set of all expressions like 2αβ, α+α2β, and so on. [√2,√3]={a+b√2+c√3+d√6: a, b, c, d Q} is an example of a Field.

The characteristic of a field

Definition 1.4: A field F is of finite characteristic p (Char (F) = p) if there is a least positive integer p such that (1+1+1+…+1) = 0 in F, (p-times). If there is no such integer, then F is said to have characteristic 0.

3. Extension Fields

Definition 2.1: Let F be a field. A field extension of F is a field E containing F. We write E/F as a field extension. E.g. C/R, Q/Q, Q / Q

If E is a field containing F then, for all , then product  is defined in E ; thus we have a scalar multiplication by F on E. Looking at the axioms for E to be a vector space over F, we see that they are all special cases of the axioms for E to be a field. Hence E is indeed a vector space over F and it has a basis and dimension over F.

Definition 2.2: Let E/F be a field extension. If E is finite dimensional as a vector space over F then we say that E/F is a finite extension, otherwise it is infinite. If it is finite then the degree of E/F is .

For example, in the extensions above we have:

 is finite of degree [] = 2, because {1,i} is a basic for  as a -vector space.

 is finite;

 is finite of degree []=1, because { q } is a basis for any ;

 is finite of degree 2, because B = {1,} is a basis. In this case it is clear that B spans , since . To see that B is linearly independent over , suppose  for some .

If  then which is absurd. Hence b = 0 and so a = 0.

Algebraic extensions

Definition 2.3: Let E/F be a field extension and  is algebraic over F if there is a non-zero polynomial  such that ; otherwise  is transcendental over F.

Splitting Fields

Definition 2.4: Let F be a field, let and let E/F be an extension.

(i)  We say that f splits over E if it factorizes completely in E[x], i.e it can be expressed as a product of linear factors

(ii)  We say that E is a splitting field for f over F if f splits over E but not over any intermediate extension .

Remark: If f splits over E as above, then we can describe a splitting filed for f over F quite easily.  is the subfield of E of rational functions in  with coefficients in F (equivalently, it is the smallest subfield of E containing F and). Inductively we can define:

, since E is a field extension of , then  is the smallest field containing F and all the root  of f. So it is a splitting for f over F.

Figure (1). Isomorphism of two splitting fields E and  of the field F.

Theorem 2.5: Let F be a field and  a polynomial of degree n. Then there exists a splitting filed E for f over F, and

Moreover if  is another splitting filed for f over F then E is isomorphic to  as extensions of F, i.e. there is an isomorphism  such that the following diagram commutes: That is,

Proof of existence. By the remark above. It is sufficient to find an extension of degree at most n!, in which f splits. We proceed by induction on n, noting that when n = 1 the polynomial f already factorizes over F and [F:F] = 1. So we turn to the inductive step and start by factorizing f over F,

where each  is irreducible in F[x] and

Put , an extension of F of degree  which contains a root  of . Since  is also a root of f, we can factorize

Now  so we can apply the inductive hypothesis to find an extension E of  of degree at most (n-1)!, in which splits. Then f also splits in E and by the Tower Law

, as required

To prove the uniqueness we consider the following example:

Example 2: Find the degree of the splitting field of

Solution: we have to factorize the polynomial first. We have  and the second factor is irreducible as the only possible roots are  but neither is a root.

Let  be a root of  then  is a splitting field, since  and , since w has minimal polynomial of degree 2.


Definition 2.6: finite extension E/F is normal if any irreducible polynomial  which has a root in E splits completely over E.

Note that normality is a property of the extension not of the field. Also note that, to show that an extension E/F is not normal, we need only find an irreducible polynomial in F[X] which has a root in E but does not split over E. On the other hand, to prove that an extension is normal, we need the following proposition which is stated in [4].

Proposition 2.7 Finite extension E/F is normal if and only if it is the splitting field over F of some polynomial in F[X].

Example 3:

(i)  ) is not a normal extension of : the irreducible polynomial  has a root  in  but does not split in , since the other roots of f in  are not real.

(ii)  ) is a normal extension of ; since we have seen that it is the splitting field over  of .

(iii)   ) is a normal extension of ; since it is the splitting field over  of .

4. Galois Theory

Automorphisms of field extensions

Definition 4.1 Let  be a field extension. An  is an isomorphism  such that . We write Aut  for the set of  of .

Note that Aut  is actually a group, with composition:

If Aut then so is It is certainly an isomorphism from  to itself, where .

The map  given by  for all  is the identity element of Aut.

If  Aut then  Aut as  for

Example 4 Let  be a polynomial, then:

(a) The splitting field of p(x) is Q[].(b) The automorphisms of p(x), which are the symmetries of the roots, are given by: f (a + b) = a−band g (x) = x.

Lemma 4.2 Let  be a field extension. Let  be algebraic over F, and let  Aut. Then  is a root of the minimal polynomial of  over F.

Proof: Let  be the minimal polynomial over F of  Then

Let of F. Then

Any  Aut must map each  to a root of its minimal polynomial over .

 Aut is uniquely determined by specifying  in terms of  and elements of F, while  is a homomorphism.

Example 5:

(i) Aut has at most two elements, since  must be mapped to either  (as these are the roots of  the minimal polynomial of over ), and specifying which one of these occurs determines the automorphism. Indeed, there are two: the identity map i, and the map  given by:

(ii) Aut has only the identity map, as  has minimal polynomial  over , whose only root in  is  and hence  can only be mapped to itself.

Example 6 For each of the following polynomial , we find a splitting field E over , the Galois group of  over , and all intermediate fields: We also, identify those subfields for which  is Galois and in that case, find Gal(L/).

The splitting field is E = , where , since the roots of  are . This has degree 8 over so writing G = Gal (E / . We have

Any automorphism is uniquely determind by its action on  and i. It it must map I to  and   to one of the roots of  Hence there are 8 possible automorphims. Hence there are automorphisms  such that: . Then we can easily check that .

This is a dihedral group with 8 elements,

Remark Since  is a subgroup of , we could ask to identify it as such. Numbering the roots as 1,2,3,4 respectively, we see that  and G ={1, (1234), (13)(24), (1432), (24), (14)(23), (13), (12)(34)}.

Example 7. Let be a polynomial, then , where,

g is the identity element of the group and , as

This group is cyclic of order 2 isomorphic to

5. Applications

We are now going to introduce some results about application of Galois Group.

Proposition 5.1 Let F be a field with char  Suppose P is an odd prime. There exists a field (up to homomorphism) with  elements.

Proof Take a field of characteristic p. K contains . So consider the quadratic extension . Define a homomorphism

by . Then ker (.

Therefore  has index two in so is the only possible field which can be .

Proposition 5.2 Let G be the Galois group of the polynomial  over Q, show that  

Proof: The splitting field Q[], where  and . This is generated by  where  and . So the group has order 20.

Proposition 5.3 Every field homomorphism must be one – to –one and onto.

Proof:  acts as the identity map on  and . . Therefore  preserver the order Therefore if  we have  resulting in

Theorem 5.4 If  a primitive  root of unity is , with , then Gal() is abelian of deg. at most n - 1.

Proof: Since is a root of  and  the minimal polynomial of and  has degree at most n - 1.

Also the roots of  are  which are all in .

So this is the splitting field of  and so it is a Galois extension.

Let  / is gives by  for some .

Since is a root of ,

Therefore . Therefore .

Theorem 5.5 Let and . Then the Galois group of Q is not necessarily abelian.

Proof: Let the splitting field of over  

If  and  then the root of  in C are: Take . Put  the splitting field over  of , then we have

Let and . The subgroup of G with respect to the intermediate field K.

Since K/Q is normal, then N is a normal subgroup of G and .

Also  is abelian by theorem 5.4.


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  4. Stewart, I.; Galois Theory, 4th Edition, Chapman and Hall CRC Mathematics, 2004.
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